Evans Family Challenge
To give online: please complete the form below.
To mail a donation: please make checks payable to “Awbury Arboretum” and address to 1 Awbury Rd, Philadelphia, PA 19138.
(If you would like us to send you a remittance envelope, please let us know at contact@awbury.org.)
Dear extended family,
I am writing to ask you to consider helping to grow a family legacy at Awbury Arboretum. For many years, Awbury has been a place that connects people with nature and history and is now making a difference in the lives of tens of thousands of visitors each year. If you haven’t visited Awbury recently, I encourage you to do that, just as we have- or look from a distance at awbury.org.
The variety and beauty of the trees at the Arboretum is a hallmark of its dedicated stewardship. When we visit, Carolyn’s favorite is a Shagbark Hickory; she loves its quirky, cascading bark. My connection to Awbury started when my grandparents built a home in 1921 along Awbury Road. My father, Morris Evans, grew up in that house. I spent many happy days of my youth at Awbury with my grandmother, Anna Rhoads Evans.
Awbury has become a neighborhood environmental oasis, enhanced from the time it was a group of residential properties. We are thrilled with the Farm at Awbury and see great potential for growing community involvement in urban agriculture. AdventureWoods and Awbury’s stormwater mitigation are also shining examples of Awbury’s dedication to stewardship of the land.
A modest endowment was begun to provide resources to maintain and enhance the Arboretum. It is now time for another generation with an historic connection to Awbury to add to the momentum for financial stewardship. Carolyn and I have taken steps to assure our current level of annual fiscal support and are encouraging other family members to do so too.
Starting this year, Carolyn and I are donating once a year to the endowment for a five-year period. We invite you to join us by donating today to support Awbury Arboretum. If you are inspired to support as part of this Evans Family Challenge, please give using the enclosed remittance envelope, by visiting awbury.org/evans-family-challenge, or by reaching out to Awbury’s Executive Director, Heather Zimmerman to start a conversation: hzimmerman@awbury.org.
We are grateful for the history of our family’s dedication to Awbury’s gem of greenspace in Germantown. We hope you will join us in preserving and supporting this legacy.
Most Sincerely,
Joe and Carolyn Evans
Awbury Arboretum will not sell, share, or rent your email address or any other personal information.
The official registration and financial information of the Awbury Arboretum Association may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll free, within Pennsylvania, 1 (800) 732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsement.