January Tree of the Month: Shagbark Hickory

January Tree of the Month: Shagbark Hickory

by Dan Sardaro January: Shagbark Hickory Trees in natural & social ecosystems With momentum from last year’s successful theme, the Year of Birds, 2023 has ushered in the Year of Trees at Awbury Arboretum and I couldn’t be more eager to be back writing more about...
January Tree of the Month: Shagbark Hickory

April Tree of the Month: Eastern Redbud

by Dan Sardaro April: Eastern Redbud If you recall, a couple of months back, witch hazel, in all its winter glory, ran away with the top prize for best blossoming tree at the time. Amongst a bleak landscape, its yellow firework-like flowers were a harbinger of warmer...