2020 is the Year of Citizen Science at Awbury!
Citizen science is the practice of public participation and collaboration in scientific research to increase scientific knowledge.
Citizen science enables participants to make a direct contribution to research, increase their scientific understanding, and immerse themselves deeply afield in learning about environmental issues. These opportunities provide personally transformative experiences.
In 2020 Awbury Arboretum hosted several citizen science events for people of all ages to participate in and learn about for FREE. Participants had fun and helped in scientific research to support caring for our earth and fellow species.
2020 Citizen Science Projects:
(Note, many events had to be cancelled due to COVID-19.)
❦ January: The Great Backyard Bird Count Project – 1/26
❦ April: BioBlitz / City Nature Challenge – 4/25
❦ September: Monarch Tagging – 9/13
❦ Family Field Studies
Want to continue to be a Citizen Scientist? Click here to learn more about iNaturalist– a wonderful, easy-to-use app you and your family can use to explore, learn, and contribute!
Past years:
2019 – the Year of Natural Fibers
Featuring a monthly article series
2018 – the Year of the Pollinator
Corresponding article series: Pollinators– from wasps to wind
2016 – Awbury Arboretum’s Centennial
Corresponding article series: The Country in the City: Natural History in Northwest Philadelphia